
RevMama prenatal fitness includes all the elements of an important prenatal fitness program including cardio, muscular endurance, strength, yoga, self-care and mental & physical preperation for labour and birth. Taking a prenatal fitness class is a great way to meet other women and to become part of the RevMama community.

RevFit's prenatal clients can attend our prenatal fitness class and our entire group fitness schedule.

Benefits of a prenatal fitness program:

-  relieves stress & improved mood

-  prevent gestational diabetes

-  build stamina for a healthy labor and delivery

-  feeling upbeat and in shape

-  the rigors of labors are more sustainable due to their cardio & strength endurance.

Dr. James F. Clapp is the worlds leading authority on the effects of exercise during pregnancy. He writes, “The newborns of women who exercise tend to be alert, are easier to care for, and do not have trouble with transition of life outside the uterus.”  Babies of exercising moms receive more nutrients, feel less stress, are given more oxygen, and have a less toxic environment.

Our entire group fitness schedule will supplement your RevMama prenatal fitness class. Cycling is low-impact, making it an excellent cardio choice for if you have joint problems (or have a baby belly!). Indoor cycling encourages the idea of “going at your own pace” – particularly important while you are pregnant. Check out all of the classes offered by RevFit during your pregnancy.

RevMama Testimonials

Lauren Currie, June 2017

When I joined RevFit I was just starting my second trimester of pregnancy and feeling ready to start exercising again.  I was immediately welcomed by all at RevFit and received a lot of encouragement from staff and other patrons alike as my pregnancy progressed.  I loved the combination spin and boot camp classes - they were an efficient way to get my cardio and strength training in, and were always fun, interesting and different!   I really felt the benefits of maintaining my health and fitness throughout my pregnancy.  Continuing to push myself and my stamina were good preparation, both physical and mental, for labour and birth.  I am grateful that I was able to have a completely natural birth and I’m sure the many, many classes I took at RevFit helped prepare my body for that day.   I am looking forward to getting back to the bike and the boot camps as soon as I can!

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